In my 69 years on this earth, I have never seen anything quite like this….a virtual shutdown of American social activity. We’re going to struggle with this. Human beings are social by nature. To be told to avoid public gatherings is almost impossible for us to truly comprehend.

We could grasp the cancellation of major events. That was a no brainer. But we are only now beginning to feel the real impact on our individual lives. No playgrounds? Movie theaters? Restaurants? Churches? What about weddings? Don’t visit hospitals? Basically stay on your own property.

And it gets more intimate than that. We’re told to give everyone “social distancing.” We’re even told not to touch our own face. Some say it’s all hype. Others claim it’s worse than we think. Whom to believe? Social media is at the same time a blessing and a curse. It is now our most effective means of communication, while also serving as a launching pad for rumor and skeptic misinformation.

It doesn’t help that we can’t really grasp what this thing is, or how long we must deal with it. It’s like the flu, it’s not like the flu. You may only get a little sick, you may die. You may just be a carrier. Because most postponements have been in the neighborhood of two or three weeks, we want to believe we can just wait this thing out for a little while, like waiting for a tornado watch to expire. Yet health officials are using words like July and August.

As a boy I remember the collective worry that swept over the country during the Cuban missile crisis and the assassination of President Kennedy. As an adult I recall the angst of gas rationing in the 70’s, the twin towers in 2001 and the recession of 2008. Disturbing all, but nobody told us then we couldn’t go to school or that we have to stay six feet away from every other human. Small wonder some are scared.

I am not among them. Smart, talented people are putting plans in place. Eventually the precautions will catch up to and surpass the threat. In the mean time history shows we are nothing if not adaptable. We will adjust to picking up our restaurant food outside the building, to watching church on the internet, to washing our hands 20 times a day. We will still keep in touch with our friends, rediscover our families within our homes, perhaps turn more earnestly to our Creator for assurance. Life is not worse. It’s just different. Really different.

In the end it will pull us all closer together, even as we must stay further apart.

14 thoughts on “A UNIQUE TIME”

  1. Well said, my friend! I count you among the friends I will miss seeing during all this mess! Praying that all those who are ignoring the directives and flocking to the beach will begin to understand the magnitude of what is happening. You’re right: we will get through this and be stronger than ever. Maybe find a new hobby. Or even better, draw closer to our Creator. 😃

  2. Well said! We all need to be patient. We need to love one another. We need to embrace our family’s and friends. We need to put our trust in our almighty God an have the faith he desires us to have!
    Thank you for sharing your heart! And God Bless us all!

  3. Hey Ken, Lencsi Ángel here, (aka Nancy Marton). I want to thank you for your thoughtful and thought provoking piece. You shared it on FB and when I followed the thread, I also connected to your blog.
    We are definitely being asked to go within, as we stay inside, these days! An important time to stay positive and watch our thoughts. My husband loves knowing the blow by blows from watching MSNBC and CNN. I find that reading in the sunshine and listening to the water flowing over the rocks in my pond make me very relaxed and serve be better. Hopefully we all come out of this better people, with a heightened level of compassion and love for our fellow man. Bless you and your family. Fondly, Lencsi

  4. I soooo agree with you. What next? But in the end those in charge will take care of us. I am not worried about that. The one good thing about all of this is the stores have shortened their hours, or some have closed. More family time on nights and weekends! No one needs to go to Wal-Mart 24 hrs. a day!

  5. Life is truly different now, but we know who is in control. Maybe our faith is being tested to really look to God and put our complete faith in him, which sometimes is not so easy for me, but I am learning! Loved you comments!

  6. Breath in; breath out. Be flexible. Be cautious. Enjoy the nonhustle and bustle of having to be here and there in a mad rush. Smell the flowers, hear the birds, listen to the crickets. Watch stars with your loved ones. Use this time for some really needed r & r. Or amazing quality with family Ive wished for and I am sure you have as well. While waiting dont stress about plan now…think of plan when this panademic is over.

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