The Art of People Watching

As a young boy I have vivid memories of going to the mall with Mom and Dad.  Mom would weave in and out of stores for hours.  But after poking through the sporting goods place for a few minutes, Dad and I would park ourselves on a centrally located bench or sofa and prepare to engage in his favorite pastime…..people watching.

We would wile away the time observing the various types, shapes and sizes of the hundreds of human beings who would walk by.  Dad would play a little game, trying to guess various things about some random person, just based on appearances.  How old are they?  (“all that make-up must mean she’s at least 50”.) What is their ethnicity? (“His blonde hair looks natural.  He must be Swedish”.)  What is their income level?  (“Check out that necklace.  She must be loaded!”)

In just seconds the person would pass on by into oblivion and a new subject would arrive and a new set of evaluations would begin.  You could call it the ultimate form of profiling.   Making judgements based purely on appearances.  But since our thoughts were completely personal, and we never actually had any interaction with any of these people, we deemed it harmless and had a great deal of fun with it.  It was some of the best bonding time I remember with my Dad.

He’s been gone since 1990, but I carry on the tradition.  I love to relax in public places and watch folks go by.  The beach is my favorite.  Oh, the things you can imagine you know about someone just by observing them in a bathing suit!  She must work out.  He drinks too much beer.  Oh dear, is she pregnant and smoking?  He doesn’t have control of his kids.  They must be newlyweds.  They’ve been married too long!  She is dressed, or not dressed, to attract attention (wait, stop looking at her).

That has to be a toupee.  She is red as a beet.  Gonna be a long night for her.

It’s especially fun to observe the mating dance….how the trio of young guys plot to draw the attention of the girls three umbrellas over.  The strategy of choice is usually the old play catch with the football routine.  Oh…did that throw just accidentally get past me and land in front of your beach chair?  So sorry. Hey, My name is Justin.  Didn’t I see you at Red Lobster last night?

I always find myself rooting for the guys to get shut down.  Not sure why.

Then there’s the walk of the middle-aged avenger.  This is the fifty-something guy who is divorced and has spent countless hours in the gym bulking up, using steroids, hitting the tanning bed, and somehow crafting his body to look like Schwarzenegger, circa 1975.  He wears huge sunglasses to hide the tell-tale wrinkles around the eyes.  He walks slowly along the shoreline, staring straight ahead.  He’s worked hard for this moment and he wants everyone to appreciate it.  I scan the women around me to see if they are taking notice.  Most are buried in their phones or a good book or sound asleep.  All that effort, I think, wasted.  He would have been better off watching football and eating cheeseburgers like me.

I suspect I am not alone in this pursuit.  I’m willing to bet you’ve done a little people watching in your time.  Admit it.  It’s so much fun, even if you feel a little guilty about some of your conclusions.  It’s pretty harmless…. unless you do something stupid….like posting them on a blog.



Dear God,

Greetings from Earth…you know, that little planet You created in the corner of the Milky Way Galaxy, the one you get all the complaints from.  Thanks for all of Your incredible blessings.  We don’t say that often enough.  But me and some of my readers have compiled a list of questions for you.

I know you’re real busy.  Just dealing with politicians must be a full time job.  But when you have a sec, could you provide answers?  Some of the questions are deep, and some might seem a little silly, but you know what they say…..there’s no such thing as a stupid question.

By the way, is that really true?  I guess that’s the first question.  Here are some others:

Why do multi-million dollar show business celebrities think we care about their political opinions?  Nobody could be more out of touch with the common people.

Why does my auto correct think it is smarter than I am?

Is my auto correct smarter than I am?

Why do people push elevator buttons that have clearly already been pushed?

What exactly was your thought process when you created cockroaches?

Is there a good way to tell if someone is actually talking to me or is just on the phone with one of those ear clip devices?

Why do some drivers on the freeway, after passing a sign that says “left lane closed ahead”, deliberately drive all the way down the left lane to the merge point, and then expect someone to let them in?

Why won’t anyone let me in when I drive all the way down the left lane after passing a sign that says “left lane closed ahead”?

Why does the losing party on “Judge Judy” pretend to be mad when the decision doesn’t go their way, since both parties make money anyway for being on the show?


Why won’t the automated answering service listen to me when I tell her that I really don’t care that the list of options has changed?  I still want to speak to an agent, just like always.

Why do people drive hundreds of miles to watch their favorite football team on Saturday, but won’t drive 2 or 3 miles to go to church on Sunday?

How did hate get invented?  Was it because love had to have an opposite?  And why is hate so much easier?

Why do bad things happen to good people?  I know you get that one a lot.  I guess it’s because the answers we’ve tried to figure out don’t make us feel better.

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton?  Really?  This is what happens when You give us free will.

Would you consider going back and giving Adam and Eve another chance?  I’m sure they would make a better decision this time.

Now that so many men are letting their facial hair grow, is it okay for women to stop shaving their legs?  (I would like to suggest a big “no” on this one.)

When we look in the mirror, is that really what we look like?  Or are You playing a really cruel joke on us?

Why did you create guns?  I don’t see the upside.

Why do we run a fever when we have a cold?  Shouldn’t it be called a “hot”?

Why is our culture becoming so sexually explicit and immoral?  What is it we are searching for?

Why does my little dog chase and bark at a squirrel as though it is an evil threat, but when a stranger appears at my door, the dog rolls over on his back and waits for a tummy scratch?

Why won’t people give You credit for the incredible miracles you perform every day?  Are they afraid of You?

Some of my readers may comment with more questions.  Please be patient with us.  We’re all just trying to figure this stuff out.  Thanks for listening.

Your humble servant,


P.S.  Thanks for banana pudding and football.  They are two of your best things.