I got something in the mail recently that rocked my world. It was an invitation to my 50th high school class reunion. My 50th! That’s a half century! That length of time is so hard for me to process because the memories are still so vivid, so clear.

What is it about your high school years that burn them into your heart so deeply? I remember little from elementary school, not much from college, almost nothing from my first few jobs. But high school….I can recall almost all of my teachers, my buddies, my crushes, high peaks and low valleys.

Most 50th reunions are held in places with names like the Cahaba Grand Ballroom, or the Sheraton Perimeter Parkway. My 50th is being held at a place called Jug’s Hitching Post. And that pretty much tells you all you need to know about my high school.

I went to a small, rural school, about 400 students in four grades. I arrived my first day of freshman year with a flat top haircut and thick, black rim glasses. Yes, I was the kid who always took a dodge ball shot right in the nose, and whose glasses would then explode into a million pieces. My mom kept a large roll of white tape handy to wrap around my nose bridge and hold my frames together. You get the picture.

It didn’t take long to understand there were four distinct groups and cultures in the building, and by default you fit into one of them instantly.

There was, of course, the popular kids. They were the best looking, the most athletic, and the envy of all other groups. Your prom, homecoming court, and student council would come from this bunch. Also your sports teams, cheerleaders and yearbook staff. This explains why the yearbook was saturated with pictures of the cool kids doing cool stuff while the rest of us scrambled through the pages hoping to see one shot of ourselves randomly lurking in the background.

Then there were, for lack of a better name, the greasers. These were the troublemakers, the kids who filled the detention hall, defiant in the classroom. They would constantly brag about their under-aged beer parties and were constantly ready to brawl. I remember playing basketball in a P.E. class one time and aggressively going after a loose ball with a greaser kid who was about my size. He unnecessarily threw an elbow into my ribs and shoved me to the floor. When I got up and shot him my best dirty look, he immediately raised his fists in boxing position and shouted “Let’s go Lass!” I backed down like a scared rabbit. I had never been in a fight and didn’t know how, and I valued my face being in one piece.

I hated the greasers. I dismissed them as morons and losers. Although a small part of me secretly admired their independent spirit, and was stunned by their advanced sexual activity. Every now and then one of the greaser girls would stop coming to school, never to return. We would later learn she had gotten pregnant and was home raising her baby. I remember thinking to myself “Wow! That’s really going on?” Hard to believe for a shy kid whose throat dried up when he even tried to speak to a pretty girl.

Then there were the Ag kids. These were by and large the farm kids of whom there were many in my school. They excelled in shop class but seldom went out for sports or other activities. I always assumed they were needed on the farm and just didn’t have time. You didn’t mess with the Ag boys. They were a hard scrabble bunch and didn’t take any guff. The greasers always tried to bully other students but they did not mess with the Aggies. I made it a point to get along with them. Beneficial allies to have on your side.

Which brings us to my group…..the nerds. We were ‘tweeners, not good looking or athletic enough to be popular, not rebellious enough to be greasers, too sophisticated, we thought, to be Aggies. We got the highest grades, took most of the advanced classes, settled for band, chorus, theater, and debate….all of which solidified our nerd status.

Most of us desperately tried to escape to popular land. I dumped the black rim glasses and switched to contact lenses. Grew my hair out (almost over the top of my ears!) I joined a garage band and went out for track, the only sport for which my small stature was not a disadvantage. Alas, my invitation to Prom Court never came.

In the 50 years that have since passed, I try to convince myself that eventually I broke the chains of nerdhood. I went on to a 43 year on-air career in television and radio. Occasionally I would hear someone refer to me as “a local celebrity”. That always made me smile….not out of pride, but because I was profoundly aware that deep down inside still beat the heart of a nerd.

I’m okay with it now. I’ve even gone back to the black rim glasses….I’m pretty sure my dodge ball days are over.

19 thoughts on “BLAST FROM THE PAST”

  1. This is your best post so far. Wonderful article that so many of us in your age group can relate to.
    Just think how many times one of your classmates saw you on TV and said… hey, I went to school with him!
    Please keep the articles coming..

  2. Great analogy of yours and probably every school breakdown of kids. I am reminded of my school groups which were quite similar but amazingly at my recent 50th reunion, everyone had kinda merged into one big group. I was amazed and Facebook has us all friends with each other after all these years.

  3. Love your blog Ken. Getting there myself, and I was one of the “ag’ kids who also was into sports but still was a nerd. Don’t think that’ll ever leave us. Think of you often ole friend. Glad to hear you are doing well.

    1. Hi Ken. Hope you are well. Sounds like you were one of those “crossover” kids in school. 🙂
      Thanks for reading the blog.

  4. Oh Ken, you hit the nail right on its had! I so agree with you on so many levels. Paging thru the yearbooks often makes me want to puke. And to this day some of those people have NEVER changed. OMG
    On the other hand, it matters not how “popular” we were in high school, or not! Although I know how painful it was for me too. I came from a poor family, had weird rummage sale clothing, farmgirl manners, etc. What matters is that we came away with a good education and went on to higher education and then perhaps off to awesome jobs like yours. I am so proud to have had you as a classmate; and wish I would have gotten to know you much better. Sorry if I was ever mean to you, although I don’t recall that I was. You were very quiet and shy back then – as was I; and just look at what you have accomplished in your lifetime!! I hope you will come to the event, and I agree the venue was NOT my first choice, but some committee members preferred it. These days it is a very nice place to eat and it has been classed up quite a bit. Please come, please please!

    1. Ruth….I never got to know you very well, but you always seemed so very sweet and friendly. I didn’t mean my reference to the venue to be a putdown. I just get tickled by the name and it so fits the blue collar culture of that area. That’s the culture we grew up in and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. I am hoping to be able to come but it’s a long way from Alabama where I live so I have to see if it makes sense. I really would like to see everyone. Can I still get the memory book if I can’t make it?

  5. Whether or not you can make it, I will definitely send a complimentary copy of the book to you – since I will be writing it! We are now working on the program; and I think you would be an excellent choice for an inspirational or motivational speaker. And if you cannot be there, maybe you can do a video (on a thumb drive) that could be shared with your classmates that night. I’d like the Class to know that some of us did well in life, even though we were NOT part of the popular group!!! I have fond memories, from one of the early reunions, of you saying “hello” to the group on TV during your live broadcast at a football game. Something we will all remember! Thanks for doing that. As for the venue, I fear just that one thing alone will keep some from attending? The word “Jugs” has to do with the owner’s last name. That family also owns other restaurants in the area. But still, a very misleading title for a business. OMG

    1. I would be honored to take part. Glad to know you are writing the book. I know you will do a great job. I don’t think the venue name will be a problem. It fits our class so perfectly!

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